奧巴馬的編輯是皇冠出版集團的雷切爾·克雷曼,欧博官网她曾指導過約翰·羅賓遜和凱蒂·布萊克的暢銷書。 obama「s editor is crown」s rachel klayman, who has shepherded bestselling books by authors such as john robison and cathy black. 皇冠噴泉:位於美國伊利諾伊州芝加哥市的社區環形廣場的千禧公園,真是件公共藝術品。 crown fountain: interactive work of public art featured in millennium park, which is in the loop community area of chicago, illinois, united states. 綠色, 白色,粉紅色組合成的皇冠狀斑葉, 葉面平坦. 半迷你懸垂型. crown variegated green, white and pink , plain , ovate. semiminiature trailer. ,「抓住亞歷山大“,她抓住一個叫亞歷山大的人],“她扯掉他的披風,從他的頭頂拿下皇冠,讓他成為笑柄。 taking hold of alexander ] she ripped his cloak, took off the crown from his head and made him a laughing stock. 與皇冠上的寶石相比那枚戒指根本不值什么錢. that ring is beans compared with the crown jewels. 鑲有寶石的皇冠 a crown studded with gems 但在本周四,欧博蘭登書屋旗下的皇冠出版集團宣布已於前總統已簽定了出書的合同,新書將於2010年秋季出版,書名暫定為《決策點》。 but thursday, crown, an imprint of random house, announced that the former president has signed on to write a book, to be published in fall 2010, tentatively titled decision points. 菲律賓選美女王要求英語口語流利,這樣才能被認為配得上這個皇冠。 filipino beauty queens are expected to be able to speak perfect english to be considered worthy of their crowns. 數十家銀行先后在浦東建造大樓,欧博娱乐不過建筑高度方面的皇冠卻較少易主,大約每十年才一次。 dozens of banks have built towers but the height crown has changed hands less often, about once a decade. 皇冠是王位的象征 the crown is an attribute of kingship. 這個皇冠會不會讓我的耳朵看起來太大了? does this crown make my ears look big? 奧巴馬已經與皇冠出版集團簽約,將在總統任滿后再寫第三本紀實作品。 obama already has a contract to write a third nonfiction book for crown when he leaves office. 這枚硬幣反面的圖案是個戴皇冠的獅子. the coin has a crowned lion on its reverse. 那是餐具柜我不想拿皇冠徳比冒險[皇冠徳比英國著名的陶瓷]. it「s to be a buffet and i don」t want to risk the crown derby. 相信在不久的將來,“新希望皇冠」一定會為我們帶來一個新的電影節。 and the 「new crowned hope」 films should be on their way to release or a festival near you very soon. 在大衣及被溺的皇冠崩潰的時候,我皺了皺眉頭. i frowned as the gown and the drowned crown pad a breakdown. 在她三十歲生日時,欧博allbet他們在她的辦公桌上放了一個玩具皇冠,上面用擦不掉的記號筆歪歪扭扭寫著「嚙齒動物女皇」。 the rodent queen—on her thirtieth birthday, they had left a toy crown on her desk, the words scrawled on with permanent marker. 很難一定說,到期后加拿大的「楓葉皇冠」會從其母親的頭上傳到查爾斯王子的頭上。 it is not certain then that, when the time comes, the 「maple crown」 of canada will pass to prince charles from his mother. 美國史上最火的喜劇明星也叫鮑勃霍普,而世界名鉆「希望之星」也是史密森尼館藏中皇冠寶石的一最。 one of the most popular comedians in u.s. history was named bob hope. the hope diamond is one of the crown jewels of the smithsonian collection. 改造后的球場投入比賽,意大利在這里擊敗西德獲得了第三個世界杯皇冠。 with the stadium filled to the rafters, italy won their third fifa world cup crown at the expense of west germany. 他的頭發如燃燒的皇冠, 他的眼中放射出白熾的火花. her hair is a burning corona, her eyes are white - hot flakes. 如果有一天日本天皇可以摘下他沉重的皇冠,成為一個普通人,他會做些什么呢? what would the emperor of japan do if he could shed his weighty crown for a day and roam freely among the common people? 老鼠一點也不理睬,只是急急忙忙地繼續講:「……發現與埃德加.阿瑟林一起去親自迎接威廉,并授予他皇冠是可行的,威廉的行動起初還有點節制,可他那諾曼人的傲慢……,你感覺怎么樣了? the mouse did not notice this question, but hurriedly went on, 「"--found it advisable to go with edgar atheling to meet william and offer him the crown. william」s conduct at first was moderate. 她敏銳地察覺到大批書店在逐漸消失,不管是獨立書店還是“皇冠」那樣的連鎖書店。 she has watched with alarm as dozens of bookstores, both independents and chains like crown books, have disappeared. 但是,很多房東卻認為需要從政治上顯示向英王效忠,於是都迫不及待地使用了類似「國王頭像」或「皇冠」這樣的名稱。 however, many of the landlords thought it more politic to show allegiance to the monarch and hastily adopted titles like the king’s head or the crown. 公元800年的圣誕節上,在羅馬教皇利奧三世就要為他加冕的當頭,他從教皇手中拿過皇冠,自己戴在自己的頭上。 on christmas day in the year 800, he took the crown from pope leo ⅲ’s hands as the pontiff was about to coronate him, and placed on his own head. 這些已發現模式就像是您公司皇冠上的珠寶,因為它們是實現公司運行方式的設計元素。 these discovered patterns are the crown jewels of your company because they are design elements that capture something useful about the way the company does business. 當時, 潘科夫斯基是軍情6局皇冠上的寶石. penkovsky was, at the time, the jewel in mi 6's crown. 吉利已經送走了其他幾個可能的買家,包括一個由幾名前福特高管領導的名叫「皇冠」的美國財團。 geely has seen off other potential buyers for volvo, including a us consortium called crown – which is led by several former ford executives. (责任编辑:) |