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UK Education Specialist: British United Education

时间:2024-09-06 05:25来源: 作者:admin 点击: 26 次
One of Hong Kong



Boarding schools are renowned of its strict discipline and remarkable academic results. With more than 100 universities, places are well enough for everyone. Progression to university is as high as 100%!

Target School Students   Budget HK$290k-530k/Year  



State colleges and independent colleges are two major types of colleges in the UK that prepare students for their university and career life. Teaching approach in colleges share great similarities with those in universities, where students are given a greater scope of freedom. In colleges, there is no official school hours. Students are only required to come to school when there are classes to attend. Other than that, they are free to decide how they want to spend their time, whether on schoolwork or leisure. Students are also not obliged to join any extracurricular activities and are not required to wear uniforms! Being free from the rules and discipline of boarding schools, studying in colleges requires a lot more self-discipline. If made use of wisely, it’s a terrific training of independence and self-reliance, from which students will benefit greatly when they progress to universities.

Target F.4+   Budget HK$150k-630k/Year  



In addition to some of the world’s finest and most reputable education institutions, academic disciplines in the UK are so diverse that it’s much easier to study the subject of your interest.

Target F.5+   Budget HK$170k-490k/Year  



When it comes to English learning, the chance to actually speak, practise and make mistake is crucial. With very flexible length and start dates, you can start any time in a year!

Target Student & Adult Learners   Budget HK$4200+/week  

Let the Fortune Top Boarding School Advisor help with planning your children’s education blueprint

British United is named one of Fortune Magazine’s 25 Top Boarding School Advisors – voted by headmasters, registrars, alumni and parents!

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