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Fresh Food Fast on the App Store

时间:2025-02-15 21:07来源: 作者:admin 点击: 7 次
Like a tiny Chipotle that lives in your phone, our app lets you order real, delicious food for pickup or delivery. And… ABOUT CHIPOTLE REWARDS • Mem

modellaw , 06/26/2021

Average App

There are several problems with the chipotle app in my opinion. First, anyone who orders online or scans so that they can get points should have the receipt email to them. Also you should be able to pull up the receipt in the app, as well as look at your transaction history. 2nd, you should be able to see your points adding up other than just the total, to ensure they are being added correctly. 3rd, you need to create a short comment section at the end of each entry item. Currently there is no way to communicate with the restaurant about any specificity to one’s order that can’t be manipulated via the app options. What if I want the fajita veggies on the side with my bowl? There’s literally no way to tell the restaurant that now. Which means if I want that, I have to come in and order the food the good old’ fashion way.

The Chipotle app has basically taken every measure possible to avoid letting people see specifically how their points are being added at each purchase, as well as still requiring me to get a paper receipt regardless of whether I have a rewards account. I also can’t order through the app if I want my food the same way I am able to get it if I just go through the line inside. It’s not efficient and it’s archaic. Get it together Chipotle, you’re better than this.

JamesFestini , 05/07/2023

Festini says it’s great but…

I love you chipotle. I love you like peanut butter, loves jelly, nestled in a loaf of bread. I love you like Christians love Jesus, and like Jesus loves me. I love you until the end of time no matter what happens, whether it’s controversy or just good old fashion, food poisoning, I will still love you. I am addicted to you. I just wish, oh, how I wish, that I could teach every employee how to wrap my burrito. I wear a suit every day to look good for you chipotle‘s, and when you wrap my burrito and it’s foiled inside a bag, the foil does not protect it from an incompetent rap. I don’t care if you double rap, what I do care about is when you pretend that aluminum foil is part of the tortilla and throw those wayward pieces of chicken in there after wrapping it. I care when you let him three large tablespoons of juice leak out of the side and watch it and ignorantly try to control it with the aluminum foil and pretend that it will not be there when I open it up. Period I don’t know what it’s going to take to convince you that this is not the way to roll a burrito. It is, however the way to dirty my suit. I love you chipotle even if you make me late to my open house you are worth it. But please, please, please learn how to roll an oversized burrito without getting it all over the place and then rolling everything into an aluminum foil.

Shav253 , 08/16/2024

Customer service

I had problem with my order for delivery being messed up as well as my drink not being in the bag. So I contacted customer service through Pepper and talked to what is suppose to be a live agent. To resolve my complaint they offered me a free drink and entree under my rewards. I say thank you and leave off of the messaging. I go back on the app two days later and there is no free entree or drink under my rewards. So I contact customer service again and the only thing change was the name of the supposed agent I was talking too but the wording was identical to the suppose person I talked to last time. This let me know I wasn’t talking to a real person because I real person would’ve seen that the issue should’ve been resolved two days ago and it wasn’t. It still not even though they said I would receive a free entree and drink they never credited my account with anything. So now I have to call customer service just to resolve an issue with my order. They need to bring back the old CEO because the new person not doing a good job. Chipotle has gone way down hill in the last couple of years like every other chain fast food restaurant. I really like chipotle too but after this experience probably won’t eat there anymore.

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