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‎Temple Run 2: Endless Escape on the App St

时间:2025-02-10 10:05来源: 作者:admin 点击: 7 次
Temple Run 2: The Ultimate Endless Runner Adventure Step into the world of Temple Run 2, the best endless runner game where action, strategy, and adv

It's back! Sprint for the leaderboards in the sequel to one of the App Store's most popular endless runners, which arrives with a host of fabulous improvements, from overhauled graphics to refined controls, original minecart and zip-line challenges, and much more.

edcm1234 , 10/19/2021

Great game, but...it is not designed for the iPad

This game is obviously designed to be played on your phone. It works great on small screens, but I like playing on my iPad and it is terrible for that. So, while I love this game and play it often, I know that I will quit playing in pure frustration after playing it for a while on my iPad. Not only do some swipes not register, but it’s not obvious what trips up the runners and suddenly I’m being chased by a monster and don’t know why. In addition, the game will often assume one thing when I tap something rather than what I meant. All in all, it is a frustrating game for your iPad. Another thing that is a problem are the ads that override Silent Mode on my phone. When I am playing someplace where I want to be quiet (doctor’s waiting room, at night when others are sleeping, etc), an ad that comes on with sound is frustrating. I actually like the ads because I have tried more than a few of the games advertised, but a game that overrides Silent Mode automatically goes on my ‘never buy’ list.

Update 10/21 - You have now officially ruined this game on my phone. I hadn’t opened it in a while, so last week I did and the interface is so totally different that I can’t figure out how to play the game anymore. Can’t I get the previous screen back?

AlejaWeasleyGranger , 08/29/2020

Good game, but too much paid content

I’ve been playing this game for a long time (at the very least five years) and although I’ve stopped for periods of time, I always come back. The new maps and characters are always amazing, and the global challenges are great.
HOWEVER. There’s always a however. Other people have talked enough about the ads so I’m not going to talk about that. Something that bothers me a lot is that now coins and gems are practically useless besides Head starts and Save mes. Before, you could use coins to buy new characters or outfits and gems to buy new characters and maps. However, now you can only unlock the new characters on special events and you need to purchase the maps with real world money.
As I said, I’ve been playing for a long time, so I don’t know if the older characters and maps are still able to be purchased with coins and gems. But Pirate Cove, Volcano Island qnd Enchanted Palace (and its characters) can only be purchased with dollars and I think that’s very unfair.
I understand that you guys need to make money, but I would hope that ads, Usain Bolt and people purchasing packages and coin doublers in the store would be enough. There’s no need to block most of your users from obtaining maps and characters, they should be able to be gained by putting hard work into the game and earning coins and gems.
Sorry for the long rant, but I wish you would take these comments into account and make these assests achievable for anyone.

Developer Response ,

Hello Runner, we really appreciate your feedback. We shall forward your message to our developers so that they can review and consider. We really thank you for your continued support and suggestions to help us improve the game. Thanks and take care.

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