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‎Target on the App Store

时间:2024-06-05 03:22来源: 作者:admin 点击: 33 次
Enjoy the easiest way to shop and save from anywhere, including on your iPad, when you download the Target app today! Here are a few ways to use the a

From flatscreen TVs to patio furniture, from motor oil to Minecraft hoodies, chances are Target has what you’re looking for. We use this intuitive app to snag that one item we need or browse popular deals in our favorite categories. Target can deliver items to your door or get them ready for pickup at your nearest Target store, and Apple Pay support means fast, hassle-free checkout. You might consider buying a nice rocking chair to sit in while telling kids how hard shopping was back in the old days.

Sarisso , 07/12/2022

Same Day Delivery limited to 3 stores

Update: thank you Target/Shipt for solving the issue. Same Day Delivery brought “my store” back as an option. Target app + red card is the most convenient and lowest priced groceries & home goods you’ll ever get.

I’ve been using the Target app with Shipt membership for 2 years. I would have given it a 5-star rating until April 2022, when the store selection for Same Day Delivery was all of a sudden limited to 3 stores, which no longer includes “my store”, the one I’ve been shopping at all along. And the 3 stores I’m now forced to shop at, have a “limited selection” vs the “standard selection” of my preferred store, and 2 of the stores are much farther away than my preferred store. I shop several times a week for a family of 5. The “limited selection” stores often run out of basic things like milk, eggs and white bread, and they don’t offer the variety of hispanic foods found at the “standard selection” store. After 2 years of a happy Target/Shipt membership, I was left hightly disappointed *and inconveneinced* by the sudden limiting of store options for Same Day Delivery.

YoullThankMeLater , 07/06/2022


This app makes Target shopping really easy. You can choose between in-store pickup, curbside pickup or shipping. I love that they integrated RedCard into it so I can manage my credit card from the same app I shop from.
The BAD part: There is no option to view an invoice for online orders. You can see what you’ve purchased & access a receipt but it doesn’t reflect the way you’re billed because you aren’t charged until an item ships. An item may ship alone or with any number of other items. This results in a very confusing billing system. It took me 3 hours to sort out my last RedCard statement. (My mum also uses my account. We happened to have a lot of charges in just a few days).
SOLUTION: Either offer an invoice option where each individual item is listed with all discounts subtracted & tax added. Or, even better, organize the invoice so it matches the charges. If 2 items are shipped together, let them be listed together on an invoice with all the purchase details (date, item title, total charge including discounts & tax).
As it stands, it’s such a mess that I am definitely deterred from making multiple purchases in a billing period. Errors happen all the time. For example; I’ve been charged for items that I never picked up from the store. (Long story. It’s resolved but I had to be able to make sense of my statement in order to find the mistake).
Come on, Target app developers. You’re so close to perfect. You can do it. I believe in you.

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