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‎Shadowrocket on the App Store

时间:2024-06-01 01:38来源: 作者:admin 点击: 40 次
Rule based proxy utility client for iPhone/iPad. - Capture all HTTP/HTTPS/TCP traffic from any applications on your device, and redirect to the proxy

XXXX4TRUMP , 11/24/2023

Pls fix the widgets bug ASAP

Latest iOS version with latest Shadowrocket till Nov/24/23
I am wandering did the developer use Shadowrocket widgets to turn on/off the switch quickly;
if yes, he/she should found that the widgets NOT working well, no server list display in the widgets, but sometimes it show again. I have to reboot my iPhone to reload the widgets
No this kind of issue in previous Shadowrocket version, pls check & fix it ASAP, thx a lot.

YukiDontKnow , 01/12/2024

Excellent Shadowrocket, Looking Forward to Improved Mac Client Compatibility

I've been a loyal user of Shadowrocket for quite some time, and this software truly excels on the iOS platform. The stable connections, rich customization options, and intuitive interface have consistently met my expectations, earning it a well-deserved 5-star rating.

However, as a frequent Mac user, I am hopeful that Shadowrocket will be better adapted for the Mac client in the future. It would be fantastic if the development team could extend the functionality to control nodes and proxy methods directly from the Mac menu bar. This enhancement would greatly simplify the process of switching between different nodes and proxy methods, enhancing the overall user experience. This improvement would make Shadowrocket even more versatile on the Mac, catering to a broader user base.

In summary, I've given Shadowrocket a 5-star rating because it truly is an outstanding VPN tool. I look forward to future updates that bring more feature enhancements, particularly those aimed at improving the Mac client, ensuring a consistent and high-quality user experience across different devices.

so good life , 01/14/2023

5 stars !5 星!更新很勤快!Updated very diligently !


The software is not perfect.
So it needs to be constantly updated and improved.
I've looked at the version update log.
The details of each improvement are written in great detail.
Unlike a lot of software that fools people.
Not like a lot of confusing software, just write a sentence to improve the fix some problems that do not let you know.
I did not buy those lazy two or three months to update once.
The protocol support is the most complete while the features are there and the price is conscientious.
At the same time, trust users do not set up any remote device binding verification function to limit the use of users.
It is said that some software that limits the number of devices by remote binding
The software can even remotely execute some commands on the user's phone.
In case the author is of poor character or wants to use the user's information to profit from it, it is dangerous.
So I didn't choose that type of software.

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